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Today's Updates from Court

Remember Alec

Three motions were scheduled to be heard: change of venue, return of property (driver’s license), and a new date for the jury trial. Both Mr. Marquez (Defense Attorney) and Ms. Addison (Defendant) were present in court today.

The judge chose to begin with the jury trial date, stating that the motion for a change of venue would be dependent on that.

Taking into consideration the conditions of Mr. Marquez’s self-reported positive COVID-19 test and consequential pneumonia: that he was unable to prepare for trial because he could not work or meet with his client or experts during the period of Dec. 9 through Dec. 28, the court agreed to move the trial date to the earliest possible next date. Previously scheduled for January 5, 2021, the jury trial is now slated to begin on March 30, 2021 with a trial readiness hearing at 9 a.m. on March 26, 2021.

Mr. Heimlich (District Attorney) objected to the change in date due to the fact that the trial has been scheduled for many months and that even during the pandemic trials needed to take place. He noted that the defense’s expert discovery and witness list were due to the court 30 days prior to the scheduled start of the trial, but had not been submitted.

With respect to the request for a change of venue, a new date has been set for January 12, 2021 at 9 a.m. to hear that motion.

The issue regarding the return of personal property, Ms. Addison’s driver’s license, was unresolved as its whereabouts could not be confirmed. The court stated that to the best of its knowledge, the defendant's driver’s license had been forwarded to the DMV.

In summary, these are the new dates:

  • Jan. 12 – Motion Hearing for Change of Venue

  • Mar. 26 – Trial Readiness Hearing

  • Mar. 30 – Jury Trial


Case Information

CRF19-0002791 | People of the State of California vs. Addison, Constance Nicole

Court records can be obtained by emailing Sutter County courts at

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